Solang Solidity Examples

Here are two examples of Solidity contracts.

General examples


This is the ink! flipper example written in Solidity:

contract flipper {
        bool private value;

        /// Constructor that initializes the `bool` value to the given `init_value`.
        constructor(bool initvalue) {
                value = initvalue;

        /// A message that can be called on instantiated contracts.
        /// This one flips the value of the stored `bool` from `true`
        /// to `false` and vice versa.
        function flip() public {
                value = !value;

        /// Simply returns the current value of our `bool`.
        function get() public view returns (bool) {
                return value;


A few simple arithmetic functions.

// example.sol
contract example {
        // Process state
        enum State {

        // Variables in contract storage
        State state;
        int32 pid;
        uint32 reaped = 3;

        // Constants
        State constant bad_state = State.Zombie;
        int32 constant first_pid = 1;

        // Our constructors
        constructor(int32 _pid) {
                // Set contract storage
                pid = _pid;

        // Reading but not writing contract storage means function
        // can be declared view
        function is_zombie_reaper() public view returns (bool) {
                /* must be pid 1 and not zombie ourselves */
                return (pid == first_pid && state != State.Zombie);

        // Returning a constant does not access storage at all, so
        // function can be declared pure
        function systemd_pid() public pure returns (uint32) {
                // Note that cast is required to change sign from
                // int32 to uint32
                return uint32(first_pid);

        /// Convert celcius to fahrenheit
        function celcius2fahrenheit(int32 celcius) pure public returns (int32) {
                int32 fahrenheit = celcius * 9 / 5 + 32;

                return fahrenheit;

        /// Convert fahrenheit to celcius
        function fahrenheit2celcius(int32 fahrenheit) pure public returns (int32) {
                return (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9;

        /// is this number a power-of-two
        function is_power_of_2(uint n) pure public returns (bool) {
                return n != 0 && (n & (n - 1)) == 0;

        /// calculate the population count (number of set bits) using Brian Kerningham's way
        function population_count(uint n) pure public returns (uint count) {
                for (count = 0; n != 0; count++) {
                        n &= (n - 1);

        /// calculate the power of base to exp
        function power(uint base, uint exp) pure public returns (uint) {
                return base ** exp;

        /// returns true if the address is 0
        function is_address_zero(address a) pure public returns (bool) {
                return a == address(0);

        /// reverse the bytes in an array of 8 (endian swap)
        function byte8reverse(bytes8 input) public pure returns (bytes8 out) {
                out = ((input << 56) & hex"ff00_0000_0000_0000") |
                          ((input << 40) & hex"00ff_0000_0000_0000") |
                          ((input << 24) & hex"0000_ff00_0000_0000") |
                          ((input <<  8) & hex"0000_00ff_0000_0000") |
                          ((input >>  8) & hex"0000_0000_ff00_0000") |
                          ((input >> 24) & hex"0000_0000_00ff_0000") |
                          ((input >> 40) & hex"0000_0000_0000_ff00") |
                          ((input >> 56) & hex"0000_0000_0000_00ff");

        /// This mocks a pid state
        function get_pid_state(uint64 _pid) pure private returns (State) {
                uint64 n = 8;
                for (uint16 i = 1; i < 10; ++i) {
                        if ((i % 3) == 0) {
                                n *= _pid / uint64(i);
                        } else {
                                n /= 3;

                return State(n % uint64(State.StateCount));

        /// Overloaded function with different return value!
        function get_pid_state() view private returns (uint32) {
                return reaped;

        function reap_processes() public {
                uint32 n = 0;

                while (n < 100) {
                        if (get_pid_state(n) == State.Zombie) {
                                // reap!
                                reaped += 1;

        function run_queue() public pure returns (uint16) {
                uint16 count = 0;
                // no initializer means its 0.
                uint32 n=0;

                do {
                        if (get_pid_state(n) == State.Waiting) {
                while (++n < 1000);

                return count;

        // cards
        enum suit { club, diamonds, hearts, spades }
        enum value { two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace }
        struct card {
                value v;
                suit s;

        card card1 = card(value.two,;
        card card2 = card({s:, v: value.two});

        // This function does a lot of copying
        function set_card1(card memory c) public returns (card memory previous) {
                previous = card1;
                card1 = c;

        /// return the ace of spades
        function ace_of_spaces() public pure returns (card memory) {
                return card({s: suit.spades, v: value.ace });

        /// score card
        function score_card(card memory c) public pure returns (uint32 score) {
                if (c.s == suit.hearts) {
                        if (c.v == value.ace) {
                                score = 14;
                        if (c.v == value.king) {
                                score = 13;
                        if (c.v == value.queen) {
                                score = 12;
                        if (c.v == value.jack) {
                                score = 11;
                // all others score 0

Solana examples

NFT example

There is an example on Solana’s integration tests for a Solidity contract that manages an NFT. The contract is supposed to be the NFT itself. It can mint itself and transfer ownership. It also stores on chain information about itself, such as its URI. Please, check simple_collectible.sol for the Solidity contract and simple_collectible.spec.ts for the Typescript code that interacts with Solidity.