Builtin Functions and Variables

The Solidity language has a number of built-in variables and functions which give access to the chain environment or pre-defined functions. Some of these functions will be different on different chains.

Block and transaction

The functions and variables give access to block properties like block number and transaction properties like gas used, and value sent.

gasleft() returns (uint64)

Returns the amount of gas remaining the current transaction.


gasleft() is not available on Solana.

Gasprice is not used on Solana. There is compute budget which may not be exceeded, but there is no charge based on compute units used.

blockhash(uint64 block) returns (bytes32)

Returns the blockhash for a particular block. This not possible for the current block, or any block except for the most recent 256. Do not use this a source of randomness unless you know what you are doing.


This function is not available on Solana. There is the recent block hashes account that looks useful at first glance, however it is not usable because:

  • This account is deprecated.

  • It does not give any slot of block number, so it is not possible to provide a matching function signature.

msg properties

uint128 msg.value

The amount of value sent with a transaction, or 0 if no value was sent.

bytes msg.data

The raw ABI encoded arguments passed to the current call.

bytes4 (Polkadot) or bytes8 (Solana) msg.sig

Function selector (or discriminator for Solana) from the encoded calldata, e.g. the first four or eight bytes. This might be 0 if no function selector was present. In Ethereum, constructor calls do not have function selectors but in Polkadot they do. On Solana, selectors are called discriminators.

address msg.sender

The sender of the current call. This is either the address of the contract that called the current contract, or the address that started the transaction if it called the current contract directly.

tx properties

uint128 tx.gasprice

The price of one unit of gas. This field cannot be used on Polkadot, see the warning box below.


tx.gasprice is not available on Solana.

gasprice is not used on Solana. There is compute budget which may not be exceeded, but there is no charge based on compute units used.

uint128 tx.gasprice(uint64 gas)

The total price of gas units of gas.


On Polkadot, the cost of one gas unit may not be an exact whole round value. In fact, if the gas price is less than 1 it may round down to 0, giving the incorrect appearance gas is free. Therefore, avoid the tx.gasprice member in favour of the function tx.gasprice(uint64 gas).

To avoid rounding errors, pass the total amount of gas into tx.gasprice(uint64 gas) rather than doing arithmetic on the result. As an example, replace this bad example:

// BAD example
uint128 cost = num_items * tx.gasprice(gas_per_item);


uint128 cost = tx.gasprice(num_items * gas_per_item);

Note this function is not available on the Ethereum Foundation Solidity compiler.

address tx.origin

The address that started this transaction. Not available on Polkadot or Solana.

AccountInfo[] tx.accounts

Only available on Solana. See Builtin AccountInfo. Here is an example:

import {AccountInfo} from "solana";

contract SplToken {
    function get_token_account(address token)
        returns (AccountInfo)
        for (uint64 i = 0; i < tx.accounts.length; i++) {
            AccountInfo ai = tx.accounts[i];
            if (ai.key == token) {
                return ai;

        revert("token not found");

    function total_supply(address token) public view returns (uint64) {
        AccountInfo account = get_token_account(token);

        return account.data.readUint64LE(33);
address tx.program_id

The address or account of the currently executing program. Only available on Solana.

block properties

Some block properties are always available:

uint64 block.number

The current block number.

uint64 block.timestamp

The time in unix epoch, i.e. seconds since the beginning of 1970.

Do not use either of these two fields as a source of randomness unless you know what you are doing.

The other block properties depend on which chain is being used.


Solana requires the clock account to present in the account for the instruction to use any of the block fields.

On Solana, block.number gives the slot number rather than the block height. For processing, you want to use the slot rather the block height. Slots include empty blocks, which do not count towards the block height.


uint64 block.slot

The current slot. This is an alias for block.number.


uint128 block.minimum_deposit

The minimum amonut needed to create a contract. This does not include storage rent.


uint64 block.gaslimit

The current block gas limit.

address payable block.coinbase

The current block miner’s address.

uint256 block.difficulty

The current block’s difficulty.

Error handling


Assert takes a boolean argument. If that evaluates to false, execution is aborted.

abstract contract c {
    constructor(int256 x) {
        assert(x > 0);

revert() or revert(string)

revert aborts execution of the current contract, and returns to the caller. revert() can be called with no arguments, or a single string argument, which is called the ReasonCode. This function can be called at any point, either in a constructor or a function.

If the caller is another contract, it can use the ReasonCode in a Try Catch Statement statement.

abstract contract x {
    constructor(address foobar) {
        if (foobar == address(0)) {
            revert("foobar must a valid address");

require(bool) or require(bool, string)

This function is used to check that a condition holds true, or abort execution otherwise. So, if the first bool argument is true, this function does nothing, however if the bool arguments is false, then execution is aborted. There is an optional second string argument which is called the ReasonCode, which can be used by the caller to identify what the problem is.

abstract contract x {
    constructor(address foobar) {
        require(foobar != address(0), "foobar must a valid address");

ABI encoding and decoding

The ABI encoding depends on the target being compiled for. Polkadot uses the SCALE Codec.

abi.decode(bytes, (type-list))

This function decodes the first argument and returns the decoded fields. type-list is a comma-separated list of types. If multiple values are decoded, then a destructure statement must be used.

uint64 foo = abi.decode(bar, (uint64));
(uint64 foo1, bool foo2) = abi.decode(bar, (uint64, bool));

If the arguments cannot be decoded, contract execution will abort. This can happen if the encoded length is too short, for example.


ABI encodes the arguments to bytes. Any number of arguments can be provided.

uint16 x = 241;
bytes foo = abi.encode(x);

On Polkadot, foo will be hex"f100". On Ethereum this will be hex"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f1".

abi.encodeWithSelector(selector, …)

ABI encodes the arguments with the function selector, which is known as the discriminator on Solana. After the selector, any number of arguments can be provided.

// An eight-byte selector (discriminator) is exclusive for Solana.
// On Polkadot, the selector contains four bytes. hex"01020304" is an example.
bytes foo = abi.encodeWithSelector(hex"0102030405060708", uint16(0xff00));

On Solana, foo will be hex"080706050403020100ff". In addition, a discriminator for a Solidity function on Solana are the first eight bytes of the sha-256 hash of its name converted to camel case and preceded by the prefix global:, as the following:

bytes8 discriminator = bytes8(sha256(bytes("global:myFunctionName")));

abi.encodeWithSignature(string signature, …)

ABI encodes the arguments with the hash of the signature. After the signature, any number of arguments can be provided.

On Polkadot, the signature is the name of the function followed by its arguments, for example:

bytes foo = abi.encodeWithSignature("foo_bar(uint64)", uint64(257));

foo will be hex"e934aa71_0101_0000__0000_0000". This is equivalent to abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(keccak256("test2(uint64)")), ...).

On Solana, the signature is known as the discriminator image. It is the function name without any arguments, converted to camel case, and preceded by the prefix global:. For example, if you had the function foo_bar(uint64), the discriminator image would be global:fooBar.

bytes foo = abi.encodeWithSignature("global:fooBar", uint64(257));

This builtin is equivalent to abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes8(sha256(bytes("global:fooBar"))), ...) for Solana.


ABI encodes the arguments to bytes. Any number of arguments can be provided. The packed encoding only encodes the raw data, not the lengths of strings and arrays. For example, when encoding string only the string bytes will be encoded, not the length. It is not possible to decode packed encoding.

bytes foo = abi.encodePacked(uint16(0xff00), "ABCD");

On Polkadot, foo will be hex"00ff41424344". On Ethereum this will be hex"ff0041424344".

abi.encodeCall(function, …)

ABI encodes the function call to the function which should be specified as ContractName.FunctionName. The arguments are cast and checked against the function specified as the first argument.

contract c {
    function f1() public {
        bytes foo = abi.encodeCall(c.bar, 102, true);

    function bar(int256 a, bool b) public {}


Only available on Polkadot, it represents the Hash type from ink_primitives via user type definition. Its underlying type is bytes32, but it will be reported correctly as the Hash type in the metadata.

import "polkadot";

contract c {
    bytes32 current;

    function set(Hash h) public returns (Hash) {
        current = Hash.unwrap(h);
        return Hash.wrap(current);

chain_extension(uint32 ID, bytes input) returns (uint32, bytes)

Only available on Polkadot. Call the chain extension with the given ID and input data. Returns the return value from the chain extension and the output data.

This function is a low level interface. The caller is responsible for encoding the input and decoding the output correctly. We expect parachain authors to write their own higher level libraries on top.


This function calls the runtime API call_chain_extension.

It assumes that the implementation of the chain extension
  • reads the input from the input_ptr parameter, used as a buffer pointer

  • writes potential output into the buffer found at the output_ptr pointer

  • respects the output buffer length in output_len_ptr to prevent OOB writes. The output buffer is 16KB in size.

  • writes the amount of bytes written to output_ptr into the buffer at output_len_ptr

Unlike with other runtime API calls, the contracts pallet can not guarantee this behaviour. Instead, it’s specific to the targeted chain runtime. Hence, when using this builtin, you must be sure that the implementation being called underneath is compatible.

The following example demonstrates the usage of this builtin function. It shows how the chain extension example from the ink! documentation looks like in a solidity contract:

import "polkadot";

contract Foo {
    // Call the "rand-extension" example chain extension demonstrated here:
    // https://use.ink/macros-attributes/chain-extension
    // This chain extension is registered under ID 1101.
    // It takes a bytes32 as input seed and returns a pseudo random bytes32.
    function fetch_random(bytes32 _seed) public returns (bytes32) {
        bytes input = abi.encode(_seed);
        (uint32 ret, bytes output) = chain_extension(1101, input);

        assert(ret == 0); // The fetch-random chain extension always returns 0
        bytes32 random = abi.decode(output, (bytes32));

        print("psuedo random bytes: {}".format(random));
        return random;

is_contract(address AccountId) returns (bool)

Only available on Polkadot. Checks whether the given address is a contract address.

set_code_hash(uint8[32] hash) returns (uint32)

Only available on Polkadot. Replace the contract’s code with the code corresponding to hash. Assumes that the new code was already uploaded, otherwise the operation fails. A return value of 0 indicates success; a return value of 7 indicates that there was no corresponding code found.


This is a low level function. We strongly advise consulting the underlying API documentation to obtain a full understanding of its implications.

This functionality is intended to be used for implementing upgradeable contracts. Pitfalls generally applying to writing upgradeable contracts must be considered whenever using this builtin function, most notably:

  • The contract must safeguard access to this functionality, so that it is only callable by priviledged users.

  • The code you are upgrading to must be storage compatible with the existing code.

  • Constructors and any other initializers, including initial storage value definitions, won’t be executed.



This returns the bytes32 keccak256 hash of the bytes.


This returns the bytes20 ripemd160 hash of the bytes.


This returns the bytes32 sha256 hash of the bytes.


This returns the bytes16 blake2_128 hash of the bytes.


This function is only available on Polkadot.


This returns the bytes32 blake2_256 hash of the bytes.


This function is only available on Polkadot.

signatureVerify(address public_key, bytes message, bytes signature)

Verify the ed25519 signature given the public key, message, and signature. This function returns true if the signature matches, false otherwise.

The transactions which executes this function, needs an ed25519 program instruction with matching public key, message, and signature. In order to examine the instruction, the instructions sysvar needs be in the accounts for the Solidity instruction as well.


This function is only available on Solana.


addmod(uint x, uint y, uint, k) returns (uint)

Add x to y, and then divides by k. x + y will not overflow.

mulmod(uint x, uint y, uint, k) returns (uint)

Multiply x with y, and then divides by k. x * y will not overflow.

Encoding and decoding values from bytes buffer

The abi.encode() and friends functions do not allow you to write or read data from an arbitrary offset, so the Solang dialect has the following functions. These methods are available on a bytes type.

These functions are inspired by the node buffer api.

contract c {
    function f() public returns (bytes) {
        bytes data = new bytes(10);
        data.writeUint32LE(102, 0);
        data.writeUint64LE(0xdeadcafe, 4);
        return data;

    function g(bytes data) public returns (uint64) {
        return data.readUint64LE(1);

readInt8(uint32 offset)

Read a signed int8 from the specified offset.

readInt16LE(uint32 offset)

Read a signed int16 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readInt32LE(uint32 offset)

Read a signed int32 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readInt64LE(uint32 offset)

Read a signed int64 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readInt128LE(uint32 offset)

Read a signed int128 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readInt256LE(uint32 offset)

Read a signed int256 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readUint16LE(uint32 offset)

Read an unsigned uint16 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readUint32LE(uint32 offset)

Read an unsigned uint32 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readUint64LE(uint32 offset)

Read an unsigned uint64 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readUint128LE(uint32 offset)

Read an unsigned uint128 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readUint256LE(uint32 offset)

Read an unsigned uint256 from the specified offset in little endian order.

readAddress(uint32 offset)

Read an address from the specified offset.

writeInt8(int8 value, uint32 offset)

Write a signed int8 to the specified offset.

writeInt16LE(int16 value, uint32 offset)

Write a signed int16 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeInt32LE(int32 value, uint32 offset)

Write a signed int32 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeInt64LE(int64 value, uint32 offset)

Write a signed int64 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeInt128LE(int128 value, uint32 offset)

Write a signed int128 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeInt256LE(int256 value, uint32 offset)

Write a signed int256 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeUint16LE(uint16 value, uint32 offset)

Write an unsigned uint16 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeUint32LE(uint32 value, uint32 offset)

Write an unsigned uint32 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeUint64LE(uint64 value, uint32 offset)

Write an unsigned uint64 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeUint128LE(uint128 value, uint32 offset)

Write an unsigned uint128 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeUint256LE(uint256 value, uint32 offset)

Write an unsigned uint256 to the specified offset in little endian order.

writeAddress(address value, uint32 offset)

Write an address to the specified offset.

writeString(string value, uint32 offset)

Write the characters of a string to the specified offset. This function does not write the length of the string to the buffer.

writeBytes(bytes value, uint32 offset)

Write the bytes of a Solidity dynamic bytes type bytes to the specified offset. This function does not write the length of the byte array to the buffer.


selfdestruct(address payable recipient)

The selfdestruct() function causes the current contract to be deleted, and any remaining balance to be sent to recipient. This functions does not return, as the contract no longer exists.


This function does not exist on Solana.

String formatting using "{}".format()

Sometimes it is useful to convert an integer to a string, e.g. for debugging purposes. There is a format builtin function for this, which is a method on string literals. Each {} in the string will be replaced with the value of an argument to format().

function foo(int arg1, bool arg2) public {
    print("foo entry arg1:{} arg2:{}".format(arg1, arg2));

Assuming arg1 is 5355 and arg2 is true, the output to the log will be foo entry arg1:5355 arg2:true.

The types accepted by format are bool, uint, int (any size, e.g. int128 or uint64), address, bytes (fixed and dynamic), and string. Enums are also supported, but will print the ordinal value of the enum. The uint and int types can have a format specifier. This allows you to convert to hexadecimal {:x} or binary {:b}, rather than decimals. No other types have a format specifier. To include a literal { or }, replace it with {{ or }}.

function foo(int arg1, uint arg2) public {
    // print arg1 in hex, and arg2 in binary
    print("foo entry {{arg1:{:x},arg2:{:b}}}".format(arg1, arg2));

Assuming arg1 is 512 and arg2 is 196, the output to the log will be foo entry {arg1:0x200,arg2:0b11000100}.


Each time you call the format() some specialized code is generated, to format the string at runtime. This requires loops and so on to do the conversion.

When formatting integers in to decimals, types larger than 64 bits require expensive division. Be mindful this will increase the gas cost. Larger values will incur a higher gas cost. Alternatively, use a hexadecimal {:x} format specifier to reduce the cost.