
The following primitive types are supported.

Boolean Type


This represents a single value which can be either true or false.

Integer Types


This represents a single unsigned integer of 256 bits wide. Values can be for example 0, 102, 0xdeadcafe, or 1000_000_000_000_000.

uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8

These represent shorter single unsigned integers of the given width. These widths are most efficient and should be used whenever possible.


These represent shorter single unsigned integers of width N. N can be anything between 8 and 256 bits and a multiple of 8, e.g. uint24.


This represents a single signed integer of 256 bits wide. Values can be for example -102, 0, 102 or -0xdead_cafe.

int64, int32, int16, int8

These represent shorter single signed integers of the given width. These widths are most efficient and should be used whenever possible.


These represent shorter single signed integers of width N. N can be anything between 8 and 256 bits and a multiple of 8, e.g. int128.

Underscores _ are allowed in numbers, as long as the number does not start with an underscore. 1_000 is allowed but _1000 is not. Similarly 0xffff_0000 is fine, but 0x_f is not.

Scientific notation is supported, e.g. 1e6 is one million. Only integer values are supported.

Assigning values which cannot fit into the type gives a compiler error. For example:

uint8 foo = 300;

The largest value an uint8 can hold is (2 8) - 1 = 255. So, the compiler says:

value 300 does not fit into type uint8


When using integers, whenever possible use the int64, int32 or uint64, uint32 types.

The Solidity language has its origins for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which has support for 256 bit arithmetic. Most common CPUs like x86_64 do not implement arithmetic for such large types, and any EVM virtual machine implementation has to do bigint calculations, which are expensive.

WebAssembly or Solana SBF do not support this. As a result that Solang has to emulate larger types with many instructions, resulting in larger contract code and higher gas cost or compute units.

Fixed Length byte arrays

Solidity has a primitive type unique to the language. It is a fixed-length byte array of 1 to 32 bytes, declared with bytes followed by the array length, for example: bytes32, bytes24, bytes8, or bytes1. byte is an alias for byte1, so byte is an array of 1 element. The arrays can be initialized with either a hex string hex"414243", or a text string "ABC", or a hex value 0x414243.

bytes4 foo = "ABCD";
bytes4 bar = hex"41_42_43_44";

The ascii value for A is 41 in hexadecimal. So, in this case, foo and bar are initialized to the same value. Underscores are allowed in hex strings; they exist to aid readability. If the string is shorter than the type, it is padded with zeros. For example:

bytes6 foo = "AB" "CD";
bytes5 bar = hex"41";

String literals can be concatenated like they can in C or C++. Here the types are longer than the initializers; this means they are padded at the end with zeros. foo will contain the following bytes in hexadecimal 41 42 43 44 00 00 and bar will be 41 00 00 00 00.

These types can be used with all the bitwise operators, ~, |, &, ^, <<, and >>. When these operators are used, the type behaves like an unsigned integer type. In this case think the type not as an array but as a long number. For example, it is possible to shift by one bit:

bytes2 foo = hex"0101" << 1;
// foo is 02 02

Since this is an array type, it is possible to read array elements too. They are indexed from zero. It is not permitted to set array elements; the value of a bytesN type can only be changed by setting the entire array value.

bytes6 wake_code = "heotymeo";
bytes1 second_letter = wake_code[1]; // second_letter is "e"

The length can be read using the .length member variable. Since this is a fixed size array, this is always the length of the type itself.

bytes32 hash;
assert(hash.length == 32);
byte b;
assert(b.length == 1);

Address and Address Payable Type

The address type holds the address of an account. The length of an address type depends on the target being compiled for. On EVM, an address is 20 bytes. Solana and Polkadot have an address length of 32 bytes. The format of an address literal depends on what target you are building for. On EVM, ethereum addresses can be specified with a particular hexadecimal number.

address foo = 0xE9430d8C01C4E4Bb33E44fd7748942085D82fC91;

The hexadecimal string should be 40 hexadecimal characters, and not contain any underscores. The capitalization, i.e. whether a to f values are capitalized, is important. It is defined in EIP-55. For example, when compiling:

address foo = 0xe9430d8C01C4E4Bb33E44fd7748942085D82fC91;

Since the hexadecimal string is 40 characters without underscores, and the string does not match the EIP-55 encoding, the compiler will refused to compile this. To make this a regular hexadecimal number, not an address literal, add some leading zeros or some underscores. In order to fix the address literal, copy the address literal from the compiler error message:

error: address literal has incorrect checksum, expected ‘0xE9430d8C01C4E4Bb33E44fd7748942085D82fC91’

Polkadot or Solana addresses are base58 encoded, not hexadecimal. An address literal can be specified with the special syntax address"<account>".

address foo = address"5GBWmgdFAMqm8ZgAHGobqDqX6tjLxJhv53ygjNtaaAn3sjeZ";

An address can be payable or not. An payable address can used with the .send() and .transfer() functions, and selfdestruct(address payable recipient) function. A non-payable address or contract can be cast to an address payable using the payable() cast, like so:

address payable addr = payable(this);

address cannot be used in any arithmetic or bitwise operations. However, it can be cast to and from bytes types and integer types. The == and != operators work for comparing two address types.

address foo = address(0);


The type name address payable cannot be used as a cast in the Ethereum Foundation Solidity compiler, and the cast should be declared payable instead. This is apparently due to a limitation in their parser. Solang’s generated parser has no such limitation and allows address payable to be used as a cast, but allows payable to be used as a cast well, for compatibility reasons.


Polkadot can be compiled with a different type for Address. If your target runtime has a different length for address, you can specify --address-length on the command line.


Solidity enums types need to have a definition which lists the possible values it can hold. An enum has a type name, and a list of unique values. Enum types can used in public functions, but the value is represented as a uint8 in the ABI. Enum are limited to 256 values.

contract enum_example {
    enum Weekday {

    function is_weekend(Weekday day) public pure returns (bool) {
        return (day == Weekday.Saturday || day == Weekday.Sunday);

An enum can be converted to and from integer, but this requires an explicit cast. The value of an enum is numbered from 0, like in C and Rust.

If enum is declared in another contract, the type can be refered to with contractname.typename. The individual enum values are contractname.typename.value. The enum declaration does not have to appear in a contract, in which case it can be used without the contract name prefix.

enum planets {

abstract contract timeofday {
    enum time {

contract stargazing {
    function look_for(timeofday.time when) public returns (planets[]) {
        if (when == timeofday.time.Dawn || when == timeofday.time.Dusk) {
            planets[] x = new planets[](2);
            x[0] = planets.Mercury;
            x[1] = planets.Venus;
            return x;
        } else if (when == timeofday.time.Night) {
            planets[] x = new planets[](5);
            x[0] = planets.Mars;
            x[1] = planets.Jupiter;
            x[2] = planets.Saturn;
            x[3] = planets.Uranus;
            x[4] = planets.Neptune;
            return x;
        } else {
            planets[] x = new planets[](1);
            x[0] = planets.Earth;
            return x;

Struct Type

A struct is composite type of several other types. This is used to group related items together.

contract deck {
    enum suit {
    enum value {
    struct card {
        value v;
        suit s;

    function score(card c) public returns (uint32 score) {
        if (c.s == suit.hearts) {
            if (c.v == value.ace) {
                score = 14;
            if (c.v == value.king) {
                score = 13;
            if (c.v == value.queen) {
                score = 12;
            if (c.v == value.jack) {
                score = 11;
        // all others score 0

A struct has one or more fields, each with a unique name. Structs can be function arguments and return values. Structs can contain other structs. There is a struct literal syntax to create a struct with all the fields set.

contract deck {
    enum suit {
    enum value {
    struct card {
        value v;
        suit s;

    card card1 = card(value.two, suit.club);
    card card2 = card({s: suit.club, v: value.two});

    // This function does a lot of copying
    function set_card1(card c) public returns (card previous) {
        previous = card1;
        card1 = c;

The two contract storage variables card1 and card2 have initializers using struct literals. Struct literals can either set fields by their position, or field name. In either syntax, all the fields must be specified. When specifying structs fields by position, the order of the fields must match with the struct definition. When fields are specified by name, the order is not important.

Struct definitions from other contracts can be used, by referring to them with the contractname. prefix. Struct definitions can appear outside of contract definitions, in which case they can be used in any contract without the prefix.

struct user {
    string name;
    bool active;

contract auth {
    function authenticate(string name, db.users users) public {
        // ...

abstract contract db {
    struct users {
        user[] field1;
        int32 count;

The users struct contains an array of user, which is another struct. The users struct is defined in contract db, and can be used in another contract with the type name db.users. Notice that the db.users struct type is used in the function authenticate before it is declared. In Solidity, types can be always be used before their declaration, or even before the import directive.

Structs can be contract storage variables. Structs in contract storage can be assigned to structs in memory and vice versa, like in the set_card1() function. Copying structs between storage and memory is expensive; code has to be generated and executed for each field. In the set_card1 function, the following is done:

  • The function argument c has to ABI decoded (1 copy + decoding overhead)

  • The card1 has to load from contract storage (1 copy + contract storage overhead)

  • The c has to be stored into contract storage (1 copy + contract storage overhead)

  • The previous struct has to ABI encoded (1 copy + encoding overhead)

Note that struct variables are references. When contract struct variables or normal struct variables are passed around, just the memory address or storage slot is passed around internally. This makes it very cheap, but it does mean that if a called function modifies the struct, then this is visible in the caller as well.

contract foo {
    struct bar {
        bytes32 f1;
        bytes32 f2;
        bytes32 f3;
        bytes32 f4;

    function f(bar b) public {
        b.f4 = "foobar";

    function example() public {
        bar bar1;

        // bar1 is passed by reference; just its pointer is passed

        assert(bar1.f4 == "foobar");

Fixed Length Arrays

Arrays can be declared by adding [length] to the type name, where length is a constant expression. Any type can be made into an array, including arrays themselves (also known as arrays of arrays). For example:

contract foo {
    /// In a vote with 11 voters, do the ayes have it?
    function f(bool[11] votes) public pure returns (bool) {
        uint32 i;
        uint32 ayes = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < votes.length; i++) {
            if (votes[i]) {
                ayes += 1;

        // votes.length is odd; integer truncation means that 11 / 2 = 5
        return ayes > votes.length / 2;

Note the length of the array can be read with the .length member. The length is readonly. Arrays can be initialized with an array literal. For example:

contract primes {
    function primenumber(uint32 n) public pure returns (uint64) {
        uint64[10] primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29];

        return primes[n];

Any array subscript which is out of bounds (either an negative array index, or an index past the last element) will cause a runtime exception. In this example, calling primenumber(10) will fail; the first prime number is indexed by 0, and the last by 9.

Arrays are passed by reference. If you modify the array in another function, those changes will be reflected in the current function. For example:

abstract contract reference {
    function set_2(int8[4] a) private pure {
        a[2] = 102;

    function foo() private {
        int8[4] val = [1, 2, 3, 4];


        // val was passed by reference, so was modified
        assert(val[2] == 102);

On Solang, it is not necessary to cast the first element of the array literal.


In Solidity, an fixed array of 32 bytes (or smaller) can be declared as bytes32 or uint8[32]. In the Ethereum ABI encoding, an int8[32] is encoded using 32 × 32 = 1024 bytes. This is because the Ethereum ABI encoding pads each primitive to 32 bytes. However, since bytes32 is a primitive in itself, this will only be 32 bytes when ABI encoded.

On Polkadot, the SCALE encoding uses 32 bytes for both types. Similarly, the borsh encoding used on Solana uses 32 bytes for both types.

Dynamic Length Arrays

Dynamic length arrays are useful for when you do not know in advance how long your arrays will need to be. They are declared by adding [] to your type. How they can be used depends on whether they are contract storage variables or stored in memory.

Memory dynamic arrays must be allocated with new before they can be used. The new expression requires a single unsigned integer argument. The length can be read using length member variable.

contract dynamicarray {
    function test(uint32 size) public {
        int64[] memory a = new int64[](size);

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            a[i] = 1 << i;

        assert(a.length == size);


There is experimental support for push() and pop() on memory arrays.

Storage dynamic memory arrays do not have to be allocated. By default, they have a length of zero and elements can be added and removed using the push() and pop() methods.

contract s {
    int64[] a;

    function test() public {
        // push takes a single argument with the item to be added
        // push with no arguments adds 0
        // now we have two elements in our array, 128 and 0
        assert(a.length == 2);
        a[0] |= 64;
        // pop removes the last element
        // you can assign the return value of pop
        int64 v = a.pop();
        assert(v == 192);

Calling the method pop() on an empty array is an error and contract execution will abort, just like when accessing an element beyond the end of an array.

push() without any arguments returns a storage reference. This is only available for types that support storage references (see below).

contract example {
    struct user {
        address who;
        uint32 hitcount;
    user[] foo;

    function test() public {
        // foo.push() creates an empty entry and returns a reference to it
        user storage x = foo.push();

        x.who = address(1);
        x.hitcount = 1;

Depending on the array element, pop() can be costly. It has to first copy the element to memory, and then clear storage.


Strings can be initialized with a string literal or a hex literal. Strings can be concatenated and compared, and formatted using .format(); no other operations are allowed on strings.

contract example {
    function test1(string s) public returns (bool) {
        string str = "Hello, " + s + "!";

        return (str == "Hello, World!");

    function test2(string s, int64 n) public returns (string res) {
        res = "Hello, {}! #{}".format(s, n);

Strings can be cast to bytes. This cast has no runtime cost, since both types use the same underlying data structure.


The Ethereum Foundation Solidity compiler does not allow unicode characters in string literals, unless it is prefixed with unicode, e.g. unicode"€" . For compatibility, Solang also accepts the unicode prefix. Solang always allows unicode characters in strings.

Dynamic Length Bytes

The bytes datatype is a dynamic length array of bytes. It can be created with the new operator, or from an string or hex initializer. Unlike the string type, it is possible to index the bytes datatype like an array.

contract b {
    function test() public {
        bytes a = hex"0000_00fa";
        bytes b = new bytes(4);

        b[3] = hex"fa";

        assert(a == b);

If the bytes variable is a storage variable, there is a push() and pop() method available to add and remove bytes from the array. Array elements in a memory bytes can be modified, but no elements can be removed or added, in other words, push() and pop() are not available when bytes is stored in memory.

A string type can be cast to bytes. This way, the string can be modified or characters can be read. Note this will access the string by byte, not character, so any non-ascii characters will need special handling.

An dynamic array of bytes can use the type bytes or byte[]. The latter stores each byte in an individual storage slot, while the former stores the entire string in a single storage slot, when possible. Additionally a string can be cast to bytes but not to byte[].


Mappings are a dictionary type, or associative arrays. Mappings have a number of limitations:

  • They only work as storage variables

  • They are not iterable

  • The key cannot be a struct, array, or another mapping.

Mappings are declared with mapping(keytype => valuetype), for example:

contract b {
    struct user {
        bool exists;
        address addr;
    mapping(string => user) users;

    function add(string name, address addr) public {
        // This construction is not recommended, because it requires two hash calculations.
        // See the tip below.
        users[name].exists = true;
        users[name].addr = addr;

    function get(string name) public view returns (bool, address) {
        // assigning to a memory variable creates a copy
        user s = users[name];

        return (s.exists, s.addr);

    function rm(string name) public {
        delete users[name];

Mappings may have a name for the key or the value, for example: mapping(address owner => uint64 balance). The names are used in the metadata of the contract. If the mapping is public, the accessor function will have named arguments and returns.


When assigning multiple members in a struct in a mapping, it is better to create a storage variable as a reference to the struct, and then assign to the reference. The add() function above can be optimized like the following.

function add(string name, address addr) public {
    // assigning to a storage variable creates a reference
    user storage s = users[name];

    s.exists = true;
    s.addr = addr;

Here the storage slot for the struct is calculated only once, avoiding another expensive keccak256 calculation.

If you access a non-existing field on a mapping, all the fields will read as zero. It is common practise to have a boolean field called exists. Since mappings are not iterable, it is not possible to delete an entire mapping itself, but individual mapping entries can be deleted.


Solidity on Ethereum and on Polkadot takes the keccak 256 hash of the key and the storage slot, and simply uses that to find the entry. Its underlying hash table does not use separate chaining for collision resolution. The scheme is simple and avoids “hash flooding” attacks that utilize hash collisions to exploit the worst-case time complexity for a separately chained hash table. When too many collisions exist in a such a data structure, it degenerates to a linked list, whose time complexity for searches is O(n).

In order to implement mappings on Solana’s storage, a new scheme must be found to prevent this attack. SipHash is a hash algorithm that solves the problem, but it cannot be used in smart contracts since there is no place to store secrets. Separate chaining for collision handling is needed since Solana accounts have a much smaller address space than the 256 bit storage slots. Any suggestions for solving this are very welcome!

SipHash may serve as a way to implement mappings in memory, which would allow them to be local variables in functions. Although, a safe alternative to random seeds still needs to be found.

Contract Types

In Solidity, other smart contracts can be called and created. So, there is a type to hold the address of a contract. This is in fact simply the address of the contract, with some syntax sugar for calling functions on it.

A contract can be created with the new statement, followed by the name of the contract. The arguments to the constructor must be provided.

contract child {
    function announce() public {
        print("Greetings from child contract");

contract creator {
    function test() public {
        // Note: on Solana, new Contract() requires an address
        child c = new child();


Since child does not have a constructor, no arguments are needed for the new statement. The variable c of the contract child type, which simply holds its address. Functions can be called on this type. The contract type can be cast to and from address, provided an explicit cast is used.

The expression this evaluates to the current contract, which can be cast to address or address payable.

contract example {
    function get_address() public returns (address) {
        return address(this);

Function Types

Function types are references to functions. You can use function types to pass functions for callbacks, for example. Function types come in two flavours, internal and external. An internal function is a reference to a function in the same contract or one of its base contracts. An external function is a reference to a public or external function on any contract.

When declaring a function type, you must specify the parameters types, return types, mutability, and whether it is external or internal. The parameters or return types cannot have names.

contract ft {
    function test() public {
        // reference to an internal function with two argments, returning bool
        // with the default mutability (i.e. cannot be payable)
        function(int32, bool) internal returns (bool) x;

        // the local function func1 can be assigned to this type; mutability
        // can be more restrictive than the type.
        x = func1;

        // now you can call func1 via the x
        bool res = x(102, false);

        // reference to an internal function with no return values, must be pure
        function(int32, bool) internal pure y;

        // Does not compile:
        // Wrong number of return types and mutability is not compatible
        // y = func1;

    function func1(int32 arg, bool arg2) internal view returns (bool) {
        return false;

If the internal or external keyword is omitted, the type defaults to internal.

Just like any other type, a function type can be a function argument, function return type, or a contract storage variable. Internal function types cannot be used in public functions parameters or return types.

An external function type is a reference to a function in a particular contract. It stores the address of the contract, and the function selector. An internal function type only stores the function reference. When assigning a value to an external function selector, the contract and function must be specified, by using a function on particular contract instance.

contract ft {
    function test(paffling p) public {
        // this.callback can be used as an external function type value

    function callback(int32 count, string foo) public {
        // ...

contract paffling {
    // the first visibility "external" is for the function type, the second "internal" is
    // for the callback variables
    function(int32, string) external internal callback;

    function set_callback(function(int32, string) external c) public {
        callback = c;

    function piffle() public {
        callback(1, "paffled");

Storage References

Parameters, return types, and variables can be declared storage references by adding storage after the type name. This means that the variable holds a references to a particular contract storage variable.

contract felix {
    enum Felines {
    Felines[100] group_a;
    Felines[100] group_b;

    function count_pumas(Felines[100] storage cats) private returns (uint32) {
        uint32 count = 0;
        uint32 i = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) {
            if (cats[i] == Felines.Puma) {

        return count;

    function all_pumas() public returns (uint32) {
        Felines[100] storage ref = group_a;

        uint32 total = count_pumas(ref);

        ref = group_b;

        total += count_pumas(ref);

        return total;

Functions which have either storage parameter or return types cannot be public; when a function is called via the ABI encoder/decoder, it is not possible to pass references, just values. However it is possible to use storage reference variables in public functions, as demonstrated in function all_pumas().

User Defined Types

A user defined type is a new type which simply wraps an existing primitive type. First, a new type is declared with the type syntax. The name of the type can now be used anywhere where a type is used, for example in function arguments or return values.

type Value is uint128;

contract Foo {
    function inc_and_wrap(int128 v) public returns (Value) {
        return Value.wrap(uint128(v + 1));

    function dec_and_unwrap(Value v) public returns (uint128) {
        return Value.unwrap(v) - 1;

Note that the wrapped value Value v cannot be used in any type of arithmetic or comparision. It needs to be unwrapped before it can be used.

User Defined Types can be used with user defined operators.