
In functions, you can declare variables in code blocks. If the name is the same as an existing function, enum type, or another variable, then the compiler will shadow the original item and generate a warning as it is no longer accessible.

contract test {
    uint256 foo = 102;
    uint256 bar;

    function foobar() public {
        // AVOID: this shadows the contract storage variable foo
        uint256 foo = 5;

Scoping rules apply as you would expect, so if you declare a variable in a block, then it is not accessible outside that block. For example:

contract Foo {
    function foo() public {
        // new block is introduced with { and ends with }
            uint256 a;

            a = 102;

        // ERROR: a is out of scope
        // uint256 b = a + 5;

If statement

Conditional execution of a block can be achieved using an if (condition) { } statement. The condition must evaluate to a bool value.

contract Foo {
    function foo(uint32 n) public {
        if (n > 10) {
            // do something

        // ERROR: unlike C integers can not be used as a condition
        // if (n) {
        //     // ...
        // }

The statements enclosed by { and } (commonly known as a block) are executed only if the condition evaluates to true.

You can optionally add an else block which is executed only if the condition evaluates to false.

contract Foo {
    function foo(uint32 n) public {
        if (n > 10) {
            // do something
        } else {
            // do something different

While statement

Repeated execution of a block can be achieved using while. It syntax is similar to if, however the block is repeatedly executed until the condition evaluates to false. If the condition is not true on first execution, then the loop body is never executed:

contract Foo {
    function foo(uint256 n) public {
        while (n >= 10) {
            n -= 9;

It is possible to terminate execution of the while statement by using the break statement. Execution will continue to next statement in the function. Alternatively, continue will cease execution of the block, but repeat the loop if the condition still holds:

contract Foo {
    function bar(uint256 n) public returns (bool) {
        return false;

    function foo(uint256 n) public {
        while (n >= 10) {

            if (n >= 100) {
                // do not execute the if statement below, but loop again

            if (bar(n)) {
                // cease execution of this while loop and jump to the "n = 102" statement

            // only executed if both if statements were false
            print("neither true");

        n = 102;

Do While statement

A do { ... } while (condition); statement is much like the while (condition) { ... } except that the condition is evaluated after executing the block. This means that the block is always executed at least once, which is not true for while statements:

contract Foo {
    function bar(uint256 n) public returns (bool) {
        return false;

    function foo(uint256 n) public {
        do {

            if (n >= 100) {
                // do not execute the if statement below, but loop again

            if (bar(n)) {
                // cease execution of this while loop and jump to the "n = 102" statement
        } while (n > 10);

        n = 102;

For statements

For loops are like while loops with added syntaxic sugar. To execute a loop, we often need to declare a loop variable, set its initial variable, have a loop condition, and then adjust the loop variable for the next loop iteration.

For example, to loop from 0 to 1000 by steps of 100:

contract Foo {
    function foo() public {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i <= 1000; i += 100) {
            // ...

The declaration uint i = 0 can be omitted if no new variable needs to be declared, and similarly the post increment i += 100 can be omitted if not necessary. The loop condition must evaluate to a boolean, or it can be omitted completely. If it is ommited the block must contain a break or return statement, else execution will repeat infinitely (or until all gas is spent):

contract Foo {
    function foo(uint256 n) public {
        // all three omitted
        for (;;) {
            // there must be a way out
            if (n == 0) {

Destructuring Statement

The destructuring statement can be used for making function calls to functions that have multiple return values. The list can contain either:

  1. The name of an existing variable. The type must match the type of the return value.

  2. A new variable declaration with a type. Again, the type must match the type of the return value.

  3. Empty; this return value is ignored and not accessible.

contract destructure {
    function func() internal returns (bool, int32, string) {
        return (true, 5, "abcd");

    function test() public {
        string s;
        (bool b, , s) = func();

The right hand side may also be a list of expressions. This type can be useful for swapping values, for example.

contract Foo {
    function test() public {
        (int32 a, int32 b, int32 c) = (1, 2, 3);

        (b, , a) = (a, 5, b);

The right hand side of an destructure may contain the ternary conditional operator. The number of elements in both sides of the conditional must match the left hand side of the destructure statement.

contract Foo {
    function test(bool cond) public {
        (int32 a, int32 b, int32 c) = cond ? (1, 2, 3) : (4, 5, 6);

Try Catch Statement

Solidity’s try-catch statement can only be used with external calls or constructor calls using new. The compiler will refuse to compile any other expression.

Sometimes execution gets reverted due to a revert() or require(). These types of problems usually cause the entire transaction to be aborted. However, it is possible to catch some of these problems in the caller and continue execution.

This is only possible for contract instantiation through new, and external function calls. An internal function cannot be called from a try catch statement. Not all problems can be handled, for example, out of gas cannot be caught. The revert() and require() builtins may be passed a reason code, which can be inspected using the catch Error(string) syntax.


On Polkadot, catching Panic(uint256) or custom errors is not supported yet.


On Solana, any transaction that fails halts the execution of a contract. The try-catch statement, thus, is not supported for Solana contracts and the compiler will raise an error if it detects its usage.

contract aborting {
    constructor() {

    function never() public pure {}

contract runner {
    function test() public {
        try new aborting() returns (aborting a) {
            // new succeeded; a holds the a reference to the new contract
        } catch Error(string x) {
            if (x == "bar") {
                // "bar" revert or require was executed
        } catch (bytes raw) {
            // if no error string could decoding, we end up here with the raw data

The same statement can be used for calling external functions. The returns (...) part must match the return types for the function. If no name is provided, that return value is not accessible.

contract aborting {
    function abort() public returns (int32, bool) {

contract runner {
    function test() public {
        aborting abort = new aborting();

        try abort.abort() returns (int32 a, bool b) {
            // call succeeded; return values are in a and b
        } catch Error(string x) {
            if (x == "bar") {
                // "bar" reason code was provided through revert() or require()
        } catch (bytes raw) {
            // if no error string could decoding, we end up here with the raw data

There is an alternate syntax which avoids the abi decoding by leaving the catch Error(…) out. This might be useful when no error string is expected, and will generate shorter code.

contract aborting {
    function abort() public returns (int32, bool) {

contract runner {
    function test() public {
        aborting abort = new aborting();

        try abort.abort() returns (int32 a, bool b) {
            // call succeeded; return values are in a and b
        } catch (bytes raw) {
            // call failed with raw error in raw